Luck is just another lie

“every house is built by someone....” Heb 3:4

Life isn’t built upon accidents, chance or luck. We are free moral agents that make dynamic choices- which are either consciously or unconsciously. The law of cause and effect states that for every effect there is a definite cause, likewise for every cause there is a definite effect. It states that absolutely everything happens for a reason. All actions have consequences and produce specific results, as do all inaction. The choices we make are causes, whether they are conscious or unconscious, and will produce corresponding outcomes or effects. The Law works the same for everyone at all times. Sir Isaac Newton’s called it third Law of Motion which states that “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” the renowned philosopher Immanuel Kant called it the Principle of Causality. If, for example, you were to hold your hand over a candle’s flame (the cause) the effect would be that your hand would burn and it would hurt! While this is an extreme example, it serves to illustrate the point very well. Disagreeing with this law is what have kept evolutionists in a quandary when trying to explain how the effect of the infinitely complex Universe could have come about without a cause. Professor W.T. Stace wrote in A Critical History of Greek Philosophy concerning causality. “[E]verything which has a beginning has a cause”
Distilled down to the simplest possible terms, this Law states that for every outcome or effect in one’s life, there is a specific cause; poor diet and exercise habits result in poor health, constant and uncontrolled spending results in debt and money worries, not putting effort into your key relationships results in poor relationships and all of the associated issues. Your thoughts, words and actions create specific effects that manifest and create your life as you know it. If you are not happy with the effects you have created, then you must change the causes that created them in the first place.

This law explains that everything that we currently have in our lives is an effect that is a result of a specific cause. The effect doesn't say because we are joking when we did the cause it will just refuse to happen.

Success in life is a result of an action. In engineering, it is said that accident just don't happen they are caused. Every things happen for a reason and they are as a direct result of the cause that you brought about from within yourself.
Who you’ve been, are today, and whom you’re becoming tomorrow, is in essence creating the conditions and circumstances of your life and manifesting your future in front of your eyes. In fact, how you react to the events, people and circumstances in your life, is actually determining by how you feel on a daily basis — creating a chain of effects that are constantly transforming your destiny anew every day.
In between cause and effect is our power of choice. We choose how to interpret our experiences. We choose to experience emotions both consciously and unconsciously at any one moment in time. We choose to behave in accordance with how we think about the world, others, events and ourselves.

What we are experiencing in life as we know it is because of the learned and conditioned psychological patterns we have pre-programmed into our minds over a lifetime of free choice.
The beauty of our power of choices is that we can create a better cause and what effect happen.
If you have a desire to be a successful and highly paid businessperson in your chosen field, then you should be able to look back and study what made others, before you, successful. What books did they read, courses did they study, beliefs did they hold, actions did they take?
If you were to emulate the things they did to be successful, you would achieve the same results over a period of time. If, over time, this does not occur, it is likely because there is something different in what you were doing – some vital piece of information that is missing.
Apply this law by determining the specific thing you must do to get the result you want. Take action and dint forget to persevere. There is no mystery to achieving success - it is available to all of us. One need only be aware of, understand and live in accordance with  law of cause ans effect.
In summary, everything that happens to us happens by the cause and effect and not by chance. For every effect in our lives there is a specific cause and if we do not like the effects that we are enjoying or suffering, then we have to analyse the causes and change our activities accordingly.


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