Bring out the china

Mary Mannin Moressey said "Start living now. Stop saving the good china for that special occasion." I remember as young boy, my mother had some special plates that were reserved for special days. Every christmas comes the same plates. They sparkle on christmas days and days after they return to their costumes of dust. (She also had the ones she could use for THESE but her age old cupboard housed them until festivity)

I have never been bold to ask her why she kept same plates for christmas.

 Are we not all like that?

A lot of us has kept for tomorrow all the beautiful things we could use for today. We will write that book tomorrow; we will do that song later. We will go to gym next week.

A lot of my mother best clothes she kept at the bottom of her bags many years later they become obsolete. She probably had kept them like she kept her plates for special events.

Time is fleeting. Fashion is transient. Life is ephemeral.

"Tick tock" says the clock "what you have to do, do quick." Today is the beginning of the best days of your life. Bring out that china and start using it. A better tomorrow starts today.

Stop saving your best for special occasion. You might not live to see them. Do it now. Instantly! Start enjoying your billions now.

 Can you smell christmas? It is in the air...


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