Taking advantages of disadvantages

The mega-producer, Oprah Winfrey once told us that "It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from. The ability to triumph begins with you. Always."

Isn't that the truth!?

We can make excuses or get busy.

 The world is filled with examples of men and women who've succeeded in life and career from every corner of the earth and with every perceived "disadvantage."

There is nobody that has a perfect life. Sometimes, we are made to believe that if our lives were like some certain people or if we had what they have, we’d call it perfect. But you must know that some people appear to have it all e.g. brains, beauty, wonderful connections, abundant money and all the desirable luxuries you can imagine, but the truth still remains that “Nobody has a perfect live." It is a fact that some people are more blessed than others but it still doesn’t mean that they have a perfect life.

You are either born into greatness or you create greatness.

You can actually channel your life to whatever direction that you want regardless of your disadvantages. All you have to do is to see an advantage in your disadvantage and take advantage of  the disadvantage . Throw away the first three letters D-I-S. And then Choose to see the D-I-S as T-H-I-S. Which means your disadvantage becomes an advantage or t-h-i-s advantage. You might be asking yourself, if it is ever possible to take advantage of one’s disadvantage. I have seen people’s life drastically change because they decide to look deep for their talents. How did they do it
? They took advantage of every disadvantage that life gave them. Now, before you tell me about miracles, I’ll like to let you know that I believe in them but let’s don’t forget that a miracle is something that happens that is not meant/supposed to happen. My question is… Do you want to fold your hands and wait for that which is not supposed to happen (miracle)? Isn’t better to work on what is supposed to happen while you wait for what is not supposed to happen? One of the things that make changes impossible is excuse. It hinders us from facing reality. Excuses might give you a feeling of comfort and blamelessness but it’s only temporary. Whether or not you agree with me, life is moving on and we are all aging so its time you stopped using excuses as a weapon to hide from reality. You know how to overcome now.

So if you don’t like your life so create a new one. It all begin with you. Take advantage...


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