This 24-hour
An unknown author advised us: "Every day you are handed 24 golden hours. They are one of the few things in this world that you get free of charge. If you had all the money in the world, you couldn't buy an extra hour. What will you do with this priceless treasure?"
We are given each hour as a gift to use as we wish, and it doesn't cost us a thing--unless we squander it and wake up later to hours we can never recover. No one have more than others.
Fill it with dreams and vision
s. Expect more from the day and make more happen within the 24 hours. I once saw a cartoon showing two Eskimos sitting on chairs, fishing through holes in the ice. The one on the right was sitting with his line in a hole about the size of a small manhole. The Eskimo on the left was also sitting with his line in the water. His hole, however, reached almost to the end of the lake. It was about the size and shape of a whale. I love the Eskimo on the left, we should start our day like him expecting thing to happen to us. We should dream of having the best of the day. Hope is the only thing stronger than fear! Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground This should be our approach for every 24 hours.
Tackle that 24 hours, ignite those dreams and be the change you want to see in the world! Take advantage of your 24 hours.
We are given each hour as a gift to use as we wish, and it doesn't cost us a thing--unless we squander it and wake up later to hours we can never recover. No one have more than others.
Fill it with dreams and vision
s. Expect more from the day and make more happen within the 24 hours. I once saw a cartoon showing two Eskimos sitting on chairs, fishing through holes in the ice. The one on the right was sitting with his line in a hole about the size of a small manhole. The Eskimo on the left was also sitting with his line in the water. His hole, however, reached almost to the end of the lake. It was about the size and shape of a whale. I love the Eskimo on the left, we should start our day like him expecting thing to happen to us. We should dream of having the best of the day. Hope is the only thing stronger than fear! Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground This should be our approach for every 24 hours.
Tackle that 24 hours, ignite those dreams and be the change you want to see in the world! Take advantage of your 24 hours.
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