Watch Over Your Thought

The preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India, Mahatma Gandhi was quoted to have said:

"Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny."

It all started with our beliefs. It is the spiral effect of our thoughts that becomes all we have and become. Our thought all starts with what we BELIEVE to be true... rational or irrational. The result of thought doesn't understand what we call good and bad. Good and bad is how we rationalize results into simplicity.

In his book, Think And Grow Rich, author Napoleon Hill called thoughts powerful things that when mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a burning desire for their translation into whatever we wants.

 Challenge your beliefs and think thoughts that propel you into the kind of life you truly want to live. If you don't like your life results change your thought pattern and belief system. This is what the Mahatma is saying. Success comes when you becomes success conscious.

 A weakness found in many of us is the habit of measuring everything by our own impressions and beliefs. This is because many of us have thought habits that have been stepped in poverty, want, misery, failure and defeat. But we can magnetise great abundance and become more to influence many to be more if we realize that we are master of our fate. We have power to control our thoughts. Our brain become magnetized with the dominating thoughts which we hold in our minds, by means with which no man is familiar, these magnets attracts to us the forces, the people, the circumstances of life which harmonize with the nature of our dominating thoughts.

Little by little, the life we so desire happens. As a man thinks so is he.


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