Drop your alibis: get your hands dirty!
Plato must have been in my shoes when he said "the first and best victory is to conquer self. To be conquered by self is of all things,the most shameful and vile."I have defended my failure and create alibis why I am not doing well as suppose. Habit are hard to break,are they not children of our imagination?
A lot of us are always defending our own alibis for habits that will not make us better in the long run. A lot are out there that engage in this ugliness which is but a reflection of how my nature is. Elbert Hubbard wonder "why people spend so much time deliberately fooling themselves by creating alibis to cover their weakness. If used differently,this same time would be sufficient to cure the weakness,then no alibis would be needed.
" In us all lie the ability to create the burning power to create the life we want to see. The reward of creating an effort, and not just hanging on to alibi why we can't take control of ourselves,is always worthy of the result we will get. Enough of all those alibis,fold your sleeves and get your hands dirty.
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