Can God be Old?

#:Is God old?
He has been before any thing existed,does that make Him older than all?
Methuselah lived longer than anyone yet God was before him.
Seth,Abraham and Men of the old testament grew old,I mean very old. Yet we all seem to agree that God is old. Where did we get it from?
So if he is old ,how old is God,if the earth is 4.6billion years old?
God is not old. He does not grow old. He is God: He created time for the sons of men. He does live in time. He exist outside time. He is not young either;neither does He dies. All that lives in time dies within. A thousand year is like a day to Him,and He said to man it is in the day you will die!no man lives up to a day(Methuselah was 36 days short).God is not old. He is before time and after time He is still!
Such adjective is earthy!


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